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Work Experience
Mathematics Professor
Washtenaw Community College
Ann Arbor, MI
01/2024 - present

Teach foundational mathematics, algebra, and statistics.
​Provide students with lecture notes and video demonstrations of current concepts learned to help strengthen student understanding.
​Demonstrate functions on various technologies and programs such as the scientific and graphing calculator, Excel, and Statdisk to provide additional support when completing homework and exams.
Implement journal portfolios to bridge the connection between mathematics and real-world applications.
Provide individual and group tutoring to boost student confidence and fear of failure.
Professional Mathematics Tutor
UMass Global University
Irvine, CA
02/2016 - 12/2023

Served on panel for ACTLA (Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance).
Educated students on study tips and exam strategies through Strategies for Reducing Math Anxiety, personally created learning workshop.
Created and assisted in development of several other learning workshops specific to using programs such as StatCrunch and Statdisk in statistics and algebra courses.
Integrated technology through live demonstrations during workshops to further enhance student learning.
Worked virtually with multiple time zones, to provide educational support for college-level students in both math and non-math courses. Courses include beginning algebra, intermediate algebra, biostatistics, and those specific for education and psychology students.
Spearhead group tutoring sessions to help students struggling in similar and different areas.
Math & English Teacher/Director of Site Operations
Ann Arbor, MI
09/2016 - 12/2023

​Kept students on-task with proactive behavior modification and positive reinforcement strategies.
Supported student teachers by mentoring on small group management, lesson planning and activity organization.
Networked with other educators to promote awareness of advanced teaching practices and development of 21st century skills.
Worked cooperatively with other teachers, administrators, and parents to help students reach learning objectives in math and English.
Senior tutor taught math and English to students from various diverse backgrounds ranging in age from 3 years up to 12th grade.
Trained staff in and reinforced standards and regulations to sustain consistency among teachers.
High School Mathematics Teacher
Central Academy
Ann Arbor, MI
01/2018 - 05/2019

Taught pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, and pre-calculus.​
Adjusted teaching strategies to meet diverse requirements of individualized support plans.​
Developed and distributed study guides to reinforce lecture details and help students with test preparation.
Cultivated relationships with parents for complete support network.
Implemented the use of various technologies and virtual learning platforms to offer a diverse environment.
Created after-school study groups where volunteer students tutored their peers under my mentorship.
Senior Mathematics Tutor & Supplemental Instructor
Davenport University
Livonia, MI
08/2012 - 12/2023

Provided meaningful math instruction to improve math skills of adults.
Created special handouts, study guides, and enrichment materials to boost student knowledge.
Senior Tutor observed other instructors, gathering valuable techniques to be implemented into future lectures and courses.
Tutored students in math courses while coordinating efforts with instructors.​
Tutored beginning algebra, intermediate algebra, college algebra, finite mathematics, pre-calculus, and bio-statistics students.
Served as a substitute mathematics instructor for at least 15 students.
Proctored exams, averaging 30 students or more to promote educational growth.
Senior Mathematics Tutor
Oakland Community College
Southfield, MI
09/2006 - 05/2017

Worked for ACCESS (Accessibility Compliance Center and Educational Support Services) providing academic support to at-risk students in most areas of mathematics and business mathematics.
Improved test scores by focusing on reading comprehension, math, and critical thinking skills through one-on-one tutoring sessions.
Documented adult students' literacy goals to plan future tutoring sessions.
Created and taught Math Proficiency Test seminars averaging 15 potential nursing students as well as COMPASS Placement Test seminars.
Motivated students towards learning and studying to build self-confidence and reduce fear of failure.
Work experience assisting as scribe, in-class note taker, test scribe, and test reader.